четвртак, 10. новембар 2011.

Current Event 4

Scorpions that Glow in the Dark

David Braun

October, 24th, 2011

Have you ever wondered of having a pet that glows in the dark? I haven’t until now, but this article has really surprised me! As you can see from the title - scorpions can glow in the dark?!!!! The scientist have found this fluorescence lighting creatures in Saguaro National Park, in Arizona. The group of entomologists have used ‘black light’ to strike the scorpions which have re-emitted it as a green fluorescent light. The main part of this article, which is interesting for me from chemical aspect is what is responsible for such glowing??? The scientists have found out that there is some kind of nitrogenous substance that is placed in the cuticle of the scorpions, and that helps them illuminate such green light! How interesting this may sound and How many other compounds exist in this universe that we will find its purpose accidently? Who knows, maybe we will read it in some other futuristic article! :)

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