среда, 14. септембар 2011.

Current Event 1

                                                           Like poison for Phosphorus
                                                       Article written by: Stephen Ornes

This is not te secret code for some game entry - this is the abbreviation for the 6 crutial elements found in every living form.
But, the scientists from NASA's Astrology Institute found out that some kind of bacteria can live without even one of them - The bacteria from Monolake (Which is located in California) could live without phosphorus!Instead of this important element, the scientists fead this bacteria with arsenic (which is found to be poisonous for living organisms) and this bacteria survived. Although a lot of scientists are skeptic, with the result of this research, this investigation is very important for some astrobiologists  that say that this is a very big finding because it can show that the life on other planets can exist in other forms than on Earth.

I think that this article was very interesting because I learned some of the most important 6 elements in life and I have also learned about Phosphorus, which I will describe below:

1) It is a very sturdy element for all life forms (Or not for all?)
2) It is found in DNA (Important molecules of nucleic acid connected with genetic informations in the cell)
3) It is found in teeth, bones, etc...
4) Phosphorus is one of the main cources of energy for all living things (usually found as a ATP molecule)

Beside all of these facts I leanred, I have noticed that there is doubt of other researchers that are connectedwith this ivnestigation. I have wondered what would be if they didn't use this specific bacteria but some other organism? We will find out what will be in the future.

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