недеља, 25. септембар 2011.

Current Event 2

                                                Bandages that could bite back
                                                Stephen Ornes
                                                May, 19th, 2010 http://en.longood.net/news_detail/newsId=2cf5f7e7-f91f-43a2-9d94-cd98253dfbd9&comp_stats=comp-FrontNews_list01-001.html

Has your skin ever been seriously burned? Were you struggling to find out how to make it stop being so excruciating? I certainly think so, because I felt the pain a few months ago.
Maybe there is no way that burns can stop hurting our skin (unless we don't drink some medicaments) But, there might be a way that the infections caused through the burns can be stopped!!
This article talks about a recent study showing how scientists (Jenkins) disovered a new type of bandage that could fight infection in your skin that passes the burns. In the bandage are found tiny capsules. To dangerous bacterium, these capsules look like tiny cells waiting to be destroyed. But what this bacteria doesn't know is that the capsules contain antibiotics, which kill the dangerous bacteria, and mkaes the skin perfect again!
When we are putting a normal bandage on our skin, the bacteria releases toxins (poison), but when we put this new invented bandage, it fights back, releasing antibiotics, as I said. This can be seen from the picture below.

 In this article, I read an interesting part of how they tested this out: They used two types of harmful bacteria (Staphylococcus and Pseudomonas) and put it with bandages Petri dish, and it didn't grow at all! This was very unusual. Even to me! They then repeated it with another type of bacteria (E . coli ) and they found similar results! However, they have to test out the real situation: They have to put the new bandage on real people's burnings! If this works, it will help a lot of people in fighting againts the burned infections.

The first thing that attracted me to this article was the picture of tiny capsules releasing the antibiotics while the bacteria attacks them. Bacteria released toxic compunds that's breaking the membrane and it's releasing another compund - antibiotic that kills bacteria! So, there are compunds, containing atoms (or elements) and that's it- everything is related to chemistry!!! :)

1 коментар:

  1. Fantastic work Jovana. I am also very interested in smart drug therapies! This was a very interesting article that we should share with the class. Keep up the good work.
