недеља, 20. мај 2012.

Reflection on Human Reproduction and Sexual Education

During this interesting and unexpected unit, I’ve learned many things about sexual education and intercourse. Below I will mention some of the things we studied.

- A human body usually develops inside its mother for 38-40 weeks. During the first eight weeks it is called an embryo. From the ninth to the thirty-eighth week it is called a fetus. Different organs and systems develop at different times during these 38 weeks. 

- The most common sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) are Herpes, HIV/AIDS, Chlamydia, Hepatitis, Syphilis, and Gonorrhea- some of them (such as HIV) are very dangerous and can cause death. The most endangered people are from developing countries because of their lack of money and education. 

- Abstinence is a type of ‘protection’ that prevents us from getting sexually transmitted diseases. It means: DO NOT HAVE SEX or have it with a reliable, a really reliable and trustworthy person! 

- I learned all the body organs names that I need to know- now I don’t need to embarrass myself when I go to the doctor by saying silly nicknames for certain reproductive organs. 

All the facts above have helped me learn more and understand deeper knowledge about sexual education. Also, the essay and the brochure that we did helped me understand how much sex ed is important in the case of sexually transmitted diseases, especially if the person is pregnant (the picture of children under the consequences of these diseases are really scary.)

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